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All prices displayed on this website are in Canadian dollars (CAD) and all funds must be in Canadian currency. We do not export any goods or services.   

Description of Service/Merchandise

The terms and policies of each program registration can be found in specific program schedules that you are registering for and are dependent upon program registration, commencement and completion dates. Please refer to each program for payment, cancellation and withdrawal policies. If a cancellation or withdrawal policy has not been listed for the program, cancellation and withdrawals will be accepted up to either the registration deadline or the first program class, whichever occurs first. All cancellations and withdrawals must be submitted in writing (either mailed to PO Box 581, Garson Ontario, P3L 1S6 or via email to that includes both the names of the member that registered and the name of the skater that is withdrawing and the reason for withdrawal.

If products or items are available for sale on the website, items will not be shipped or delivered but available for pickup as per the schedule described on each specific item at Nickel Blades.

Delivery Policy


All programs will take place at the location indicated in the program registration. There are no products for sale on this site.  


Transactions made to the Nickel Blades Skating Club are for skating services rendered by the club. Delivery of these services is outlined in our brochures and subject to the session, dates, times and location you indicated on your application.  

Return / Refund Policy

Unless stated otherwise for each program, withdrawals and cancellations prior to commencement of any program classes will be eligible for a refund but subject to a $50 refund processing fee.

Program Refund: Refunds will only be considered for medical reasons accompanied by a Doctor’s note. There will be a $50 administration fee applied to all medical refunds. Please note, if the session has started, your medical refund will be for the remainder of the session.

Please allow four weeks for receipt of all eligible refunds.


All club communication such as, program information, newsletters, reminders, upcoming events, BINGO information and tax receipts will be issued and sent via email. Please include your email address on your registration form. Please add our club email address into your contacts to ensure you receive our communications.

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