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Skater Conduct

All Skaters shall demonstrate good sportsmanship, courtesy, and respect towards others, both on and off the ice.


  1. Skaters must not go on the ice until the zamboni has left the ice, the zamboni gate is closed and a coach is on the ice.
  2. Skate guards must be worn when the skater is off the ice.
  3. Skaters should not ask the advice of a coach about a skating problem during another skater’s private lesson.
  4. Skaters shall use appropriate language at all times. Swearing or the use of abusive language within the arena premises (inside/outside) is not acceptable.
  5. Skaters should attempt to arrive on time for sessions or inform their private coach if they will be late.
  6. Skaters must be aware of all other skaters on the ice and maintain a safe distance from all other skaters.
  7. No pushing, tripping, horseplay or intentional interference with other skaters is permitted.
  8. Skaters must ask permission from a coach prior to leaving the ice for any reason.
  9. No gum, candy or food is permitted on the ice.
  10. No electronic devices are permitted on the ice or left on the boards. Place in the phone bag or leave with parents.


When practicing free skating, other than your solo program

  • Do jumps at the end of the rink
  • Do not stand idle anywhere on the ice surface (Do not hold up the boards!)
  • If you do not wish to participate in a session, please leave the ice after obtaining the proper permission.

BE AWARE OF THE SKATERS AROUND YOU!! Identify skaters that are practicing solos and avoid interfering with the soloist’s program.

The following order determines who has the right-of-way during free skate:

  • The skater receiving a lesson and having their music played.
  • The skater having their music played
  • The skater who is receiving a lesson
  • The skater who is practicing



  1. No spins or jumps during dance sessions.
  2. Free skating is not allowed during the dance session.
  3. If a coach is giving a dance lesson, do not follow on the heels of the skater in front of you. Keep safe distance between yourself and other skaters.
  4. Two skaters may not dance together, unless permission is obtained from the coach.


Any professional Coach teaching in our Club or Club Official has the authority to enforce these rules.  Failure to comply with these rules will result in immediate action.  The stages that may be followed when deemed necessary include the following:

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Official written reprimand
  3. Disciplinary meeting with Head Coach and appointed board member
  4. Written notice of suspension
  5. Final written notice with indefinite suspension

The Coaches can remove a skater from a lesson at any time if they feel it is necessary.  If a lesson has been scheduled, the parent/guardian will be responsible for the missed lesson. Removal from the ice for failure to follow these rules will not warrant a make-up session or refund.

  • The disciplinary action protocol follows the Skate Canada & Safe Sport recommendations.
  • Parents/guardians will always be notified if the skater has received a verbal warning.
  • The entire process can be viewed in detail upon request.

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